შინაარსზე გადასვლა

Your Scamper Questions: Answered

Whether you’re curious about event day details and schedule or how you can be a top fundraiser, we have answers for you!

What Is Summer Scamper?

Summer Scamper არის 5k run/walk and kids’ fun run benefiting Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. Over the past 15 years, Summer Scamper has raised more than $6 million, thanks to the support of the community!  

Join us on Saturday, June 21, on The სტენფორდი campus for a 5k run/walk, Kids’ Fun Run, and Family Festival. All dollars raised benefit Packard Children’s Hospital and Stanford Children’s Medicine’s maternal and child health programs 


How do I register? 

You can register as an individual or start a team and rally your friends and family to join the fun. Register here.

How far in advance do I need to register to participate in the 5k Run/Walk, Kids’ Fun Run?

Registration is open from March until event day, Saturday, June 21. 

I forgot my password.

Visit this page and click “sign-in” in the upper right-hand corner. Then, click the “Forgot password?” link to initiate the password reset process or click the “Get Magic Link” button to receive a special sign in link directly to your inbox. 

Once you log in, you can view and update your personal fundraising page, progress toward your goal, and more. 

I registered as an individual, but I meant to join a team. What should I do? 

Log in to your personal Scamper page. In the “Overview” tab, scroll down and click on the tab for “Creating or Joining a Team,” and follow the prompts. 

Can I register for my friend or family member?

Yes! You can register multiple people at once. Register here.

My friend registered me for Scamper. How do I claim my fundraising page?

Welcome to Scamper! You should have received an email with your login information. Once you log in, you’ll be asked to complete your Scamper registration, and you can edit your page. If you need assistance, please contact us!

I work for a local company and want to get my colleagues involved in Summer Scamper. How do I get started?

We encourage organizations of all sizes to create teams and use Summer Scamper to build community. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship site here.

Event Logistics

Is there a virtual Scamper this year?

e encourage you to register as a virtual participant if you can’t make it on event day. Walk, run, roll, or Scamper on your own in support of patients and families at Packard Children’s Hospital. All virtual participants are provided with a fundraising page.

Where can I find the event details, parking details, schedule, and course map?
Check out the დეტალების დღე page.

Where can I see results for the Run/Walk?  

5 კ results will be available following the event.  

Where can I see a schedule of activities for Summer Scamper?  

We have a morning packed full of fun family-friendly activities for Summer Scamper participants. You can find a schedule here. 

I have a small child. Can I race with a stroller? 
In the spirit of family involvement, strollers are permitted in the 5k only. We kindly ask participants with strollers to allow other to pass safely and stay single file on the course. Remember, children ages 3-10 can also participate in our ids’ უნ un. Strollers are not permitted in the ID' უნ un. 

პაკეტის აღება

Where can I pick up my event day packet? What’s included in my event day packet? 

Packet pickups will be available at Sports Basement Redwood City, მდებარეობს at 202 Walnut St., and Sports Basement Sunnyvale, მდებარეობს at 1177 Kern Ave. Your packet will include your race bib and T-shirt. Scamper Day packet pickup is also available. Learn more about packet pickup on ourPacket Pickup page. 

What time does packet pickup open on the day of Summer Scamper? 

Packet pickup begins at 7:30 a.m. on event day. If you picked up your race bib and shirt prior to event day, plan on arriving by 8:30 a.m.

Can someone else pick up my event day packet for me? 

Yes, you can have someone else pick up your race packet for you. Please have them bring a copy of your Scamper registration. 

Can I bring pets to the event? 
We know your pets are considered part of the family, however, we ask that you please leave them at home during the event unless they are a service animal. Thank you! 

ფონდების მოზიდვა

Where do funds raised for Summer Scamper go? 

Donations to Summer Scamper teams and individual fundraisers (participants not on teams) will be allocated to the Team Captain’s or individual fundraiser’s area of choice. If you need help with designating your funds, please contact us. Learn more about our fundraising focus areas here.

I registered for Scamper. How do I log in to update my Scamper page or to see my fundraising progress? 

Log in with the email you used to register for the event. Click the “Sign In” link in the upper right-hand corner. On mobile, expand the hamburger menu and then click “Sign In.” You can also search your email for your registration confirmation and “Claim Your Page” message—this email also has a link to log in and review your fundraising progress, thank your donors, and update your personal Scamper fundraising page. 

Is there a minimum amount that I am required to fundraise?

There is no minimum (or maximum) to fundraise, but for first-time participants, we suggest starting with a goal of $250. Every single dollar makes a difference in the lives of our patients and their families, and we are so grateful for your support. Plus, fundraisers can earn fun prizes!

When I donate to someone’s page, where do the funds go?

Donations made to an individual participant’s page will support the fund that the participant chose during registration. Donations made to a team or team member’s fundraising page will support the fund that the Team Captain chose during registration.

I need some help getting started. Do you have fundraising materials to help me reach out to my network?

We sure do! Check out our Downloadable Scamper Resources for more information. You’ll find some useful tips, sample emails, and social media posts. If you have any questions, contact us to be connected with a fundraising coach. 

How do I update my individual fundraising page?

Click here and then click “Sign In” in the upper right to log in to your account. Once you log in, click “Manage” at the top of the screen. From here, you can update your individual profile picture, customize your fundraising page URL, and tell your story about why you Scamper.

I’m a team captain. How do I update my team fundraising page? 

Click here and then click “Sign In” in the upper right to log in to your account. Once you log in, click “Manage” at the top of the screen. From here, you’ll be able to update your team profile picture, customize your fundraising page URL, and tell your story about why you and your team Scamper. 

How do I track my donations and thank my donors?

When someone donates to your page, you will receive a notification that says who donated and how much they gave. Log in to your Scamper account to see a list of recent donations by clicking on the “Donations” tab. Click the “Thank Donor” link next to the donor’s name to post a public comment that will be viewable on your wall and generate an automatic email to your donor. You can also send a more heartfelt “thank you” email to your donors from the “Emails” tab. Click on “Thank Your Donors,” copy and paste our thank you email template into your personal email, click “View Donors,” select the donors you want to thank by email, click to copy their email addresses, and paste into your personal email. Press send! 

Questions about Summer Scamper?

If you have a question not answered here or you would like to connect with a fundraising coach, please reach out to us! We're here to help.
